Sudipta Seal, University of Central Florida
Dr. Seal is the University Distinguished Professor, Pegasus Professor. At UCF, he served
as Nano Initiative Coordinator for VP-Research. He is the Director of Nanoscience Technology Center (tenure unit) and Advanced Materials Processing Analysis Center and Professor, Interim Chair of Materials Science and Engineering and holds an appointment with College of Medicine. He oversees a large no sta , students and faculty
in these academic units. He is the recipient of the 2002: O ce of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (ONR-YIP), JSPS fellowship, Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow, ASM IIM Lecturer award, Royal Soc of Eng - Visiting Professor Distinguished Fellowship at Imperial College, UK, Academic Trail Blazor Award and Schwartz Tech award. He was elected to attend the Eng Symposium by National Academy of Engineering.
He pioneered nanostructured cerium oxide and other metal/oxide platforms (micro to nano) and discovered its antioxidant properties and applied in various biomedical problems. He is also involved in plasma based large scale manufacturing of coatings and nano- energetics materials. He is funded by DOD, NSF, NIH, NIH, NASA, SBIR programs, and industries.
At UCF, He is the recipient of Fellow of FASM, FAAAS, FAVS, FIoN, FAIMBE, FNAI, FECS. He has won multiple teaching and research awards from UCF and was awarded the UCF Dean’s Advisory Board: Faculty Award for Excellence. He has more than 350 journal papers, conference proceedings papers, book chapters, and three books on nanotechnology (including one on Nanoscience and Technology Education). He has 46 issued patents (and many pending), an h index > 67, and his technology is responsible for various startups. He graduated more than y PhD, MS, postdoc/researchers and mentored many undergraduate students.