National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Public NanoEHS Webinar What’s Next in NanoEHS: The Young Professional’s Perspective
March 28, 2023, 12-1 PM EST
The 2023 Nano Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) webinar series will focus on the questions, challenges, and breakthroughs needed to continue advancing the responsible development of nanotechnology. The 2023 theme complements the NNI's effort to refresh its 2011 nanoEHS research strategy. During this inaugural webinar, rising experts in nanoEHS will share their perspectives on the pressing issues and the main questions driving their research. The NNI recognizes the work of new investigators and emerging experts as vital to progress and innovation in this field and to inspiring the next generation of researchers.
SNO Report |
Congratulations to SNO members and board members!
Jason White, Arturo Keller and colleagues were awarded Best Paper of 2019 by the Royal Society of Chemistry for their work in ES:Nano, The full citation is: Proteomic, gene and metabolite characterization reveal the uptake and toxicity mechanisms of cadmium sulfide quantum dots in soybean plants, Sanghamitra Majumdar, Luca Pagano, James A. Wohlschlegel, Marco Villani, Andrea Zappettini, Jason C. white and Arturo A. Keller; Environmental Science: Nano, DOI: 0.1039/C9EN00599D
Desiree Plata and colleague were awarded First Runner-up. For Engineered nanomaterials in the context of global eminent cycles, Nina Z. Jankovic and Desiree L Plate.
SNO Conference Journal Papers |
SNO will compile papers from the 2018 Conference for publication in the ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering.
Selected Papers from SNO Authors
Policy Reforms to Update Chemical Safety Testing by Andre Nel and Timothy Malloy
The Two Faces of Nanotechnology by Wunmi Sadik