SNO Nanopitch Contest and Mentoring program

24 March, 2021
Noon to 5 pm

The nanopitch contest from the 2020 Nano Conference is being held March 24, 2021 in combination with a special mentoring panel for students. The panel will consist of SNO leaders at various stages in their careers. These leaders will talk about their career paths and lessons learned along the way. They may also discuss how SNO aided them. There will be time for questions of the panelists.


12:00   Welcome and Panel of Mentors 

This panel will consist of  SNO leaders with some mature faculty and some earlier ones.  They will have 5 minutes each to tell how they got where they are and offer advice. The rest of the time will be given to questions and discussion. 

1:00    Break 

Chat rooms will be open, and it’s a good time for lunch

1:30   Nanopitch 

Each contestant shares one poster and "pitches" for 100 seconds. We are limited to the first 30 students who enter.   Pitches should finish by 4:15, when the judges compile the results. 

4:30 Winners announced and program  adjourns by 5 at the latest.

 Prizes: $300 first place, $200 second, and $100 third plus plaques all to be mailed.