SNO Workshop VI
2D Nanomaterials for Human Health and the Environment

An interdisciplinary workshop on the bio/environmental applications and implications of new sheet-like nanomaterials, and their relation to fundamental material structures and properties

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 – San Diego, California

Two-dimensional nanomaterials are a new class of atomically thin, sheet-like materials with
enormous potential to create next-generation technologies that protect the environment or
promote human health. They also bear structural and chemical similarity to some natural sheet-like minerals known to pose human health risks, and a coordinated scientific effort is urgently needed ensure their safe design and use. This workshop will address the need for systematic planning and collaboration in the environmental health subfield of 2D nanomaterial research. Our goals are to catalyze research at the nexus of 2D nanomaterials and environmental health through interactions and facilitated discussions among world-leading experts in different facets of the field, and to produce a set of high-quality recommendations and research priorities for dissemination to the SNO conference and the research and stakeholder communities.

The workshop will bring together researchers with expertise in: (i) basic 2D materials science, (ii) environmental applications, (iii) biomedical and other health applications, and (iv) implications for human health and the environment, and will also be of interest to trainees and various nanotechnology and environmental health stakeholders. The workshop will be held in conjunction and co-located with the national annual meeting of the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization (SNO), which begins the next day, to create synergies for both functions through sharing of facilities, advertising, and participants.

We are planning an innovative, hybrid event that combines brainstorming among multidisciplinary experts to define the field, but with tutorial content designed to inspire and educate young researchers. We will report the key workshop findings at the main meeting for the assembled group, including those that could not attend the workshop due to space limitations.


Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization

Overview |Agenda | Steering Committee | Speakers | Location | Travel Support | Registration